JAL and the Japanese's Chronic Disease of Secluding Passengers
"Japan" is renowned for being exclusive. The Japanese citizens' exclusiveness is prominently shown by their geographical feature of an island country. Because the only books the Japanese had ever read in their life time are violent and degrading comic books, their standards are low and their moral principles have not developed. I wonder how many people among the Japanese population have read at least one book about religion, philosophy, or meditation. It is not possible for a cultured person to sequester others. Being left out is a conduct of defiling and slaughtering one's own character. How can Japan be called an advanced nation when the Japanese make pleasure out of secluding their classmates since elementary school? There is a saying that "What is learned from the cradle is taken to the grave." The Japanese will take pleasure in secluding people until the very day they die. Because the crew members of Japan Air Lines (JAL) have lived like the other Japanese, whenever they make a flight, they choose a passenger and seclude him/her collectively until he/she gets off the airplane. The crew members of JAL, who are in the service business, look as if they are working there for the purpose of secluding other people. Is their exhaustion relieved when they seclude innocent Korean passengers? Just look at the faces of the JAL crew members. Because their hearts are replete with sordidness, no wonder they have an ugly appearance. The saying "The heart is portrayed in the face" is undoubtedly true. Thank you for visiting our web site.